The RewardPay API enables developers to access a database of cash back offers across hundreds of advertisers.
The RewardPay can be accessed via a powerful API containing merchant names, cash back values including start date and expiry dates, titles, descriptions, categories, merchant id's, program id's, merchant logos, merchant urls and built deep links and tracking urls in the XML/CSV/JSON formats.
RewardPay issues an API Key after registration. A separate API Key is required to access data from specific countries.
Note: the RewardPay API Key is a unique token required to access the API feeds. It is our way of authenticating that the RewardPay client has access to the API.
- Only one API Key per country is allowed
- Every API request will contain a valid, active API Key and data format parameter
The cash back will be accessible from the RewardPay database via a secured API in XML/CSV/JSON format. The following data formats are available:
- JSON: JavaScript Object Notation (Recommended)
- XML: Extensible Mark-up Language
- CSV: Comma Separated Values
Data feeds are accessible to clients via a web API with client id and API signature to make the API secured. We will issue the client id and API signature after client registration. The RewardPay API allows only the GET method.{APIKey}/{MethodName}
The API Key used for API request authentication and this is a mandatory parameter of the API request call. The API Key is issued by RewardPay after successful registration. The API Key is country specific, so if the client subscribes to multiple countries, then RewardPay will generate unique API Key for each country.
This is also a mandatory parameter of the API request call. This parameter can be used to get specific data from the API, e.g. cash back, merchants, categories etc.
This is also a mandatory parameter of the API request call. This parameter can be used to get data in a specific format, i.e. JSON, XML & CSV.
API Request URL Format:{APIKey}/{MethodName}?type={DataFormat}&SortBy={SortByValue}&MerchantName={MerchantName}&Category={CategoryName}&OfferType={OfferType}&PageNo={PageNo}&PageSize={PageSize}
Parameter | Value | Type | Note |
Parameter | ---- | Mandatory | Should have valid and active API Key |
MethodName | GetOffers | Mandatory | |
Type | JSON | XML | CSV | Optional(default is JSON) | Only one data type is allowed at a time. Please use JSON or XML or CSV |
SortBy | STARTDATE | ENDDATE | MERCHANTNAME | OFFERTYPE | CLICKCOUNT | Optional | Use this parameter if you want to get results sorted by specific fields. Only one field is allowed for sorting in API request. |
MerchantName | Optional | Pass merchant name if you want to get deals from specific merchant. | |
Category | Optional | Pass category name if you want to get deals from specific categories. | |
OfferType | All | Coupon | Discount | Optional | Pass OFFERTYPE if you want to filter deals by specific type, e.g. coupon, discount etc. |
Status | All | Active | Expired | Optional (Default is All) | Pass Status if you want to filter offers by specific status, e.g. All, Active or Expired |
PageNo | Optional | By default, API returns all data. But if the PageNo is being passed then the data will be shown accordingly. With this parameter, PageSize parameter is required. | |
PageSize | Optional | Pass the value if the data required in paging. This parameter used to set the number of records in a page. |
- Get coupon type deals from fashion category from Zalora merchant and in StartDate sorting order of page size 25. API Request URL: &MerchantName=ZALORA&Category=Faishon&OfferType=Coupons&PageNo=1&PageSize=25
- Get all deals from fashion category from Zalora merchant and in StartDate sorting order of page size 25. API Request URL: &MerchantName=ZALORA&Category=Faishon&PageNo=1&PageSize=25
- Get all deals from Zalora merchant and in StartDate sorting order of page size 25. API Request URL: &MerchantName=ZALORA&PageNo=1&PageSize=25
- Get all deals from all subscribed merchants in StartDate sorting order of page size 25. API Request URL: &MerchantName=ZALORA&PageNo=1&PageSize=25
- Get all deals from all subscribed merchants without paging and sorting API Request URL:
Use same as above for XML and CSV format, only need to replace data format parameter values i.e. replaces json by xml or csv
API Request URL Format:{APIKey}/{MethodName}/?type={DataFormat}&MerchantName={MerchantName}&RelationType={RelationType}&PageNo={PageNo}&PageSize={PageSize}
Parameter | Value | Type | Note |
API KEY | ---- | Mandatory | Should have valid and active API Key |
MethodName | GetMerchants | Mandatory | |
Type | JSON | XML | CSV | Optional(default is JSON) | Only one data type is allowed at a time. Please use JSON or XML or CSV |
MerchantName | Optional | Use this filter parameter if you want to filter merchants by merchant name. Pass few characters from beginning of merchant name. | |
SortBy | CLICKCOUNT | Optional | Use this parameter if you want to get results sorted by specific fields. Only one field is allowed for sorting in API request. |
Status | All | Active | InActive | Optional (Default is All) | Pass Status if you want to filter offers by specific status, e.g. All, Active or InActive |
PageNo | Optional | By default, API returns all data. But if the PageNo is being passed then the data will be shown accordingly. With this parameter, PageSize parameter is required. | |
PageSize | Optional | Pass the value if the data required in paging. This parameter used to set the number of records in a page. |
- Get all merchants without paging. API Request URL:
- Get all merchants of page size 25. API Request URL:
- Search merchants by merchant name. Start with Zal (for Zalora search) to the RewardPay account, of page size 25. API Request URL:
User same as above for XML and CSV format, only need to replace data format parameter values i.e.replaces json by xml or csv.
API Request URL Format:{APIKey}/{MethodName}/?type={DataFormat}&CategoryName={CategoryName}&RelationType={RelationType}&PageNo={PageNo}&PageSize={PageSize}
Parameter | Value | Type | Note |
API KEY | ---- | Mandatory | Should have valid and active API Key |
MethodName | GetCategories | Mandatory | |
Type | JSON | XML | CSV | Optional(Default is JSON) | Only one data type is allowed at a time. Please use JSON or XML or CSV |
CategoryName | Optional | Use this filter parameter if you want to filter categories by category name. Pass few characters from beginning of the category name. | |
Status | All | Active | InActive | Optional (Default is All) | Pass Status if you want to filter offers by specific status, e.g. All, Active or InActive |
PageNo | Optional | By default, API returns all data. But if the PageNo is being passed then the data will be shown accordingly. With this parameter, PageSize parameter is required. | |
PageSize | Optional | Pass the value if the data required in paging. This parameter used to set number of records in a page. |
- Get all categories without paging. API Request URL:
- Get all categories of page size 25. API Request URL: /Json?PageNo=1&PageSize=25
- Get all categories joined/added to the RewardPay account, of page size 25. API Request URL:
- Search categories by category name start with Fash (for Fashion search) in the RewardPay account, of page size 25. API Request URL:
User same as above for XML and CSV format, only need to replace data format parameter values i.e.replaces json by xml or csv.
This method is accessible to revenue share plan. You have subscribed revenue share plan then you can access the sale data via API.
API Request URL Format:{APIKey}/{MethodName}?type={DataFormat}&MerchantName={MerchantName}&Status={Status}&PageNo={PageNo}&PageSize={PageSize}
Parameter | Value | Type | Note |
API KEY | ---- | Mandatory | Should have valid and active API Key |
MethodName | GetTransactions | Mandatory | |
DataFormat | JSON | XML | CSV | Optional(Default is JSON) | Only one data type is allowed at a time. Please use JSON or XML or CSV |
MerchantName | Optional | If you want to get sale from specific merchant, then pass the network name in this parameter. | |
Status | TRACKED | CONFIRMED | DECLINE | Optional | Use to filter sale by sale status. |
PageNo | Optional | By default, API returns all data. But if the PageNo is being passed then the data will be shown accordingly. With this parameter, PageSize parameter is required. | |
PageSize | Optional | Pass the value if the data required in paging. This parameter used to set the number of records in a page. |
- Get all sales API Request URL:
- Get all sales of page size 25. API Request URL:
- Filter sales by merchant name and get results in page size of 25. API Request URL:
- Filter sales by merchant name and status and get results in page size of 25. API Request URL:
User same as above for XML and CSV format, only need to replace data format parameter values i.e.replace json by xml or csv.
This method is accessible to Data Subcribers signed up to the revenue share plan.
API Request URL Format:{APIKey}/{MethodName}?type=Json&PageNo={PageNo}&PageSize={PageSize}
Parameter | Value | Type | Note |
API KEY | ---- | Mandatory | Should have valid and active API Key |
MethodName | GetClicks | Mandatory | |
Type | JSON | XML | CSV | Optional(default is JSON) | Only one data type is allowed at a time. Please use JSON or XML or CSV |
PageNo | Optional | By default, API returns all data. But if the PageNo is being passed then the data will be shown accordingly. With this parameter, PageSize parameter is required. | |
PageSize | Optional | Pass the value if the data required in paging. This parameter used to set the number of records in a page. |
- Get all clicks API Request URL:{DataFormat}
- Get all clicks of page size 25. API Request URL:{DataFormat}&PageNo=1&PageSize=25
User same as above for XML and CSV format, only need to replace data format parameter values i.e.replaces json by xml or csv.
API Request URL Format:{APIKey}/{MethodName}/?type={DataFormat}&MerchantName={MerchantName}&RelationType={RelationType}&PageNo={PageNo}&PageSize={PageSize}
Parameter | Value | Type | Note |
API KEY | ---- | Mandatory | Should have valid and active API Key |
MethodName | GetBanners | Mandatory | |
Type | JSON | XML | CSV | Optional(default is JSON) | Only one data type is allowed at a time. Please use JSON or XML or CSV |
MerchantName | Optional | Use this filter parameter if you want to filter banners by merchant name. Pass few characters from beginning of merchant name. | |
BannerType | Mandatory |
Use this filter parameter if you want to filter banners by banner type.
BannerType=3 for Home page main banner. BannerType=12 for offer box banner. BannerType=13 for merchant page banner. |
PageNo | Optional | By default, API returns all data. But if the PageNo is being passed then the data will be shown accordingly. With this parameter, PageSize parameter is required. | |
PageSize | Optional | Pass the value if the data required in paging. This parameter used to set the number of records in a page. |
- Get all banners without paging. API Request URL:
- Get all banners of page size 25. API Request URL:
- Search banners by merchant name. Start with Zal (for Zalora search) to the RewardPay account, of page size 25. API Request URL:
User same as above for XML and CSV format, only need to replace data format parameter values i.e.replaces json by xml or csv.